This crawl was in Syracuse, on Thursday, October 6th. There were also AIGA Upstate NY Design Crawls in Saratoga and Glens Falls that evening. We were reppin' the 315.
Huge thanks to The Gear Factory, Caitlyn Bom Photography, Budmen Industries, and The Lab Creative; for sharing an insight into their creative world, through their workspaces AND their words!
Below is a quick animated photo mash/recap of some fun shots from the night that we posted immediately on Friday morning, following the Thursday evening event.
Post event, social media post.
Below are some animations, created as little social media promo blasts for each of the stops. They were created based on the 2016 AIGA Design Crawl Poster originally designed by Noah Pannucci.
The Gear Factory
Caitlyn Bom
Budmen Industries
The Lab Creative
The event was a blast; seeing a healthy variety of different spaces and talking about many different aspects of design.. From nitty gritty business chats to more theoretical optimistic and real discussions about the greater art community and creative environment of Syracuse.
Search #AIGADesignCrawl on instagram and twitter for more about the Design Crawl.
Join us for the next one!